A.R.M.Y. Etiquette

Due to the increasing privacy violations of the members, I felt the need to create a general etiquette guideline for various situations.

Following the Members

Don't go to airports
Don't go to areas you think they might be
Just don't

Sharing or Spreading photos of the members outside of official/authorized events

Overall do not share

  • Airport pics including but not limited to media. These media outlets camp the airports for celebrities and also purchase personal information from stalkers for profit. This is harmful to the members' privacy and safety. By not sharing or consuming these photos we make it less profitable for stalkers to continue harassing the members.

  • Photos of members out in the wild. If you run into the members out in the wild, no you didn't. Please do not approach them. Several members have expressed gratitude when ARMYs respect their privacy and pretend not to know who they are during their personal time. We are not entitled to every second of their lives. This includes things like: shopping, concerts, meals at restaurants, tattoo shops, gyms, parks, or anywhere else they did not explicitly tell us they were going to be.

  • Their physical locations at any given time. This puts them in very real physical danger. Under no circumstances should their locations be spread around even under codenames.

  • "Fansites" These are stalkers point blank, no argument, do not engage with their so-called "content"

  • Military Information Do not spread any information pertaining to their enlistment that they do not share themselves. They have asked for privacy during these matters. This means no pictures from that "official" site. Those are not for fans those are for their relatives and require the user to input the base they are posted at. That is not information we were privileged with and anyone who collects such information is doing so against the members' wishes.

  • Family Members Do not stalk their family members online or irl. There is absolutely ZERO reason any fan should be following their family members' social medias

  • Staff The same applies to staff. Do not stalk their socials trying to find out info on the members' movements or plans.

This is a non exhaustive list and is subject to updates as incidents occur. Please use good judgement and put the safety, comfort and wellbeing of the members before your personal wants. Borahae 💜

do not engage with posts that violate the members' privacy. Report them as posting [Harassed or intimidated with violence >> Sharing their image or likeness without permission >> Private]The goal is to stop the spread and remove it which is easier to do without engaging with the post. Quoting or commenting only pushes the post higher in the algorithm which is what we don't want.